Enjoy all the benefits of OBL membership. Simply submit the application below and someone from our team will follow up with you.

Membership Application

Step 1 of 6

Application Process

1. A prospective member may attend Only Two meetings as a visitor.

2. A Prospect must be sponsored by a current member and must attach a copy of the license allowing operation in this community. Also please attach a business card.

3. A check made out to Ocala Business Leaders, Inc. for the amount of the joining fee, $35.00, plus one month dues, $70.00* - a total of $105.00 is due with this application. You will be billed $70.00 monthly thereafter.

4. *Additinal Members - Two or more people may join from the same company. Along with the initial member, each additional member will pay one month dues, $40.00 with each separate application. Each additional member will be billed $40.00 monthly thereafter.

Are you willing to abide by the creed of Ocala business Leaders , Inc.?
Are you willing to attend meetings regularly?
Is there an individual with your company who would be willing and able to attend meetings on your behalf, should you be unable to attend?